
Integral Bridges. A fundamental approach to the time-temperature loading problem




Integral Bridges. A fundamental approach to the time-temperature loading problem

Integral bridges have become increasingly popular in the UK over recent years. Problems and costs associated with failed expansion joints in conventional bridges not only make integral bridges a cost-effective option but also means they have longer lifespans that their counterparts. The Highways Agency standards now require that, wherever possible, all new bridges of less than 60 m length should be of integral form. The growing importance of integral bridges has highlighted the need for more information and guidance to assist in improving bridge design. This book presents the results of research commissioned by the Highways Agency into the thermally induced soil/structure interaction created by environmental temperature changes and the associated cyclical displacements imposed on the granular backfill of bridge abutments. It : develops a better theoretical understanding of temperature-induced cyclic displacements ; in particular the strain ratcheting in backfill soil in contact with a 'stiff' structure, identifies the governing soil parameters and examines their influence, develops numerical modelling procedures to predict soil behaviour, identifies and quantifies the controlling features of bridge structures relevant to the interaction problem This book provides essential information for bridge designers to aid their understanding of the cyclical changes in backfill pressures and settlement due to diurnal and annual changes in bridge deck temperature - a crucial factor when designing integral bridges.



Physique, chimie


Since 1960, this leading text has taught thousands of students the fundamentals of non rigid body mechanics. Now, the new author team of Riley, Sturges, and Morris have revised the text to appeal to today's students by updating the illustration program, adding design content, and including more realistic problem sets. The fifth edition is written in a clear and concise style and contains new illustrations throughout each chapter. The text stresses the use of fundamental principles and the concepts of mechanics to solve all problems. As a result, students must apply the information presented in each chapter to answer realistic problems instead of simply using formulas. This problem solving method motivates students to learn the material because they see how it is used in the real world. New Features of the Fifth Edition * A new introductory chapter containing a "Review of Statics" has been included. * Chapter 2 is reorganized to conform with the greater use of the stress transformation and principal stress equations in engineering practice. * Numerous example problems are used to show methods of analysis for typical mechanics of materials problems. Hints have been added to most of these example problems to help students understand the thought process required for their solution. * Each chapter concludes with a section on design. * Design Example problems and Design Homework problems have been added to most chapters. * There are over 1300 homework problems, many of which require the use of the computer for their solution.




Problème fondamental

Ce livre vous aidera à comprendre pourquoi les prières et le jeûne révèlent des secrets fondamentaux cachés.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Thinking about Physics

Physical scientists are problem solvers. They are comfortable "doing" science: they find problems, solve them, and explain their solutions. Roger Newton believes that his fellow physicists might be too comfortable with their roles as solvers of problems. He argues that physicists should spend more time thinking about physics. If they did, he believes, they would become even more skilled at solving problems and "doing" science. As Newton points out in this thought-provoking book, problem solving is always influenced by the theoretical assumptions of the problem solver. Too often, though, he believes, physicists haven't subjected their assumptions to thorough scrutiny. Newton's goal is to provide a framework within which the fundamental theories of modem physics can be explored, interpreted, and understood. "Surely physics is more than a collection of experimental results, assembled to satisfy the curiosity of appreciative experts," Newton writes. Physics, according to Newton, has moved beyond the describing and naming of curious phenomena, which is the goal of some other branches of science. Physicists have spent a great part of the twentieth century searching for explanations of experimental findings. Newton agrees that experimental facts are vital to the study of physics, but only because they lead to the development of a theory that can explain them. Facts, he argues, should undergird theory. Newton's explanatory sweep is both broad and deep. He covers such topics as quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, field theory, thermodynamics, the role of mathematics in physics, and the concepts of probability and causality. For Newton the fundamental entity in quantum theory is the field, from which physicists can explain the particle-like and wave-like properties that are observed in experiments. He grounds his explanations in the quantum field. Although this is not designed as a standalone textbook, it is essential reading for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, professors, and researchers. This is a clear, concise, up-to-date book about the concepts and theories that underlie the study of contemporary physics. Readers will find that they will become better-informed physicists and, therefore, better thinkers and problem solvers, too.



Littérature française

Les inventeurs. Essai

What do Christopher Columbus, Reneke, Zénobe Gramme and Louis Pasteur have in common ? They were all inventors. Well fine, but who invented the crab's claw, the suction cups and the flight of squids or the proboscis of blood sucking insects ? Is invention intellectual fantasy, an industrial tool or a fundamental biological reaction ? How is this riddle to be solved ? Should we go through the list of inventions or inventors ? Is it a question of circumstances or motivations ? Who is in charge ? The Material or the Spirit ? In order to try to find a way of answering these questions, first a few very different inventors and their inventions will be presented. A few paradoxes emerge from this first part. Then we will devote an entire chapter to an exceptional inventor whose extraordinary work revolutionized how we now approach this topic. Finally, what can be said about all the inventions like the wings of birds or butterflies, the eyes of fish or insects, the leaves of trees or the social organization of beehives ? In these cases, man is not the inventor. There are countless marvels like these in the world around us. Can we explain them ? This will be the subject of the third part of this essay.




Statistical and Data Handling Skills in Biology

All biologists need to be able to handle numbers, yet students of biology often approach this topic fearfully. This guide helps to, develop key skills for the study of biology in the minimum time through guided practise. Statistical and Data Handling Skills in Biology is an easy-to-use handbook which concentrates on essentials. It explains why certain mathematical concepts can help in biology and describes them in simple language and pictures with few equations. Numerous worked examples and problems from real biological situations are provided. The book first shows how to handle numbers and S.I. units. It then explains why variation is such a problem in biology and shows how to use statistical tests to separate real effects from the background variation. Finally it explains how to choose appropriate statistical tests to, analyse data and how to improve the design of experiments. Students will develop confidence in dealing with numbers by working through the problems provided. Key features include: - takes a biological viewpoint; - clear, concise coverage of essential concepts; - helpful explanations and pictures with a minimum of equations; - step-by-step guides to statistical tests; - guidance on using computer-based statistical packages; - decision charts for choosing statistical tests; - worked examples and problems, with solutions provided. This book makes an ideal companion for biologists at all levels, as a text for elementary courses for sixth form and first year undergraduate students, a self-study guide, or as a laboratory handbook for the working biologist.



Non classé

Cognitive Perspectives on Language

The papers collected in the present volume show that the terms cognitivism and cognitive, so common in present day linguistic discourse, do not refer to a single theoretical mode or approach to language. Firstly, the papers show that cognitivism is a lively research area accommodating a wide spectrum of approaches. Secondly, they address a number of issues ranging from grammaticalization, event structure, semantic representation, equivalence, image schematic representations and lexicography to poetry, metaphor, metonymy, and national mentality. Some of the contributions deal with the linguistic phenomena in one language, while others take up a cross-linguistic approach.




Paul’s Sexual and Marital Ethics in 1 Corinthians 7

Paul's Sexual and Marital Ethics in 1 Corinthians 7 : An African-Cameroonian Perspective provides readers with an innovative interpretation of Paul's pastoral and pedagogical approach and solutions to the multifaceted ethical problems presented to him by the Corinthian community, revealing a wide-ranging, complex, and flexible decision-making process. Alice Yafeh's analysis also illuminates two different evaluations of the same ethical problem may be simultaneously relevant where operating assumptions diverge : first as a community in pursuance of the goal of undistracted devotion to the Lord, and, second, as individual members who must pursue that goal within the specific lifestyles in which they have been called. The author argues that Paul's pastoral and theological approach, which is deeply motivated by a desire to inspire faithful Christian living and witness, can serve as a new model for evaluating pre-conversion polygyny ; a model that is oriented toward positive and substantive change in the lives of women and children. Consequently, the implication of Paul's approach and judgments for contemporary Christian communities suggests the same believing community may adopt different ways of faithfully living out the practical implications of Christian view of marriage extended by Paul in 1 Corinthians 7.




Moral Talk Across the Lifespan

Grounded in path-breaking research but written in an accessible, engaging style Moral Talk Across the Lifespan explores how our most fundamental moral commitments are shaped by crucial conversations with family members, romantic partners, and friends. Taking a lifespan approach, the authors demonstrate that moral growth is a continual process, one stimulated by transitions (e.g., leaving home for university) and disruptive events (serious illness). With chapters penned by leading relationship scholars, the volume contributes original thinking, data, and innovative theoretical pathways for researchers. For instructors it explores pressing moral questions encountered by students in their own relationships with romantic partners, friends, parents, and other family members. When is revealing a secret the right thing to do ? Is revenge ever a worthy response to an insult or sleight ? Why are young adults persuaded to accept some of their parents' values but not others ? Is there a right (or wrong) way to support a parent facing a terminal illness ? Moral Talk Across the Lifespan offers a stimulating blend of social science research and moral reflection. It is a key text for courses in Relational Communication, Family Communication, Interpersonal Communication, and Communication Ethics.



Sciences politiques

The Structure of Political Communication in the United Kingdom, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany

Political Communication in The United Kingdom, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany differs in terms of what the peoples expect to take issue with, how they are prepared to talk about them, which choices they can make to solve problems and, finally, whom or which organizations they delegate to resolve them. This comparative media study of The Economist, Time and Der Spiegel attempts to extract the differences in politics of the three societies.



Critique littéraire

Ancient Greek by Its Translators

When not familiar with the language itself, most readers over the centuries have had access to the ancient Greek texts only or mostly through (Latin or vernacular) translations. Such an approach is not only indirect and mediated, but also distorted and even impoverishing : meaning then prevails over the linguistic form and substance of the texts themselves. What do later or modern readers read when they read translated texts written in an ancient so-called dead language ? They read a given meaning - sometimes unfaithful, often inaccurate - dictated by a genuine understanding, the blind continuation of tradition, or an untold hidden intention. The complex range of significances conveyed by meaning simultaneously reflects the time and space (called synchrony) of when and where a text has been translated, the historical learning and linguistic skills of the translators, as well as their ideas and style. As a contribution to the perennial debate about translation (mere literary transliteration vs. creative transposition), this volume aims at analyzing some striking cases of various (literary or not) texts translated from ancient Greek showing how much for the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries aesthetics and ideology matter as much as - and often even more than - rigorous philology.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Concepts of Mass in Contemporary Physics and Philosophy

The concept of mass is one of the most fundamental notions in physics, comparable in importance only to those of space and time. But in contrast to the latter, which are the subject of innumerable physical and philosophical studies, the concept of mass has been but rarely investigated. Here Max Jammer, a leading philosopher and historian of physics, provides a concise but comprehensive, coherent, and self-contained study of the concept of mass as it is defined, interpreted, and applied in contemporary physics and as it is critically examined in the modern philosophy of science. With its focus on theories proposed after the mid-1950s, the book is the first of its kind, covering the most recent experimental and theoretical investigations into the nature of mass and its role in modern physics, from the realm of elementary particles to the cosmology of galaxies. The book begins with an analysis of the persistent difficulties of defining inertial mass in a noncircular manner and discusses the related question of whether mass is an observational or a theoretical concept. It then studies the notion of mass in special relativity and the delicate problem of whether the relativistic rest mass is the only legitimate notion of mass and whether it is identical with the classical (Newtonian) mass. This is followed by a critical analysis of the different derivations of the famous mass-energy relationship E = mc2 and its conflicting interpretations. Jammer then devotes a chapter to the distinction between inertial and gravitational mass and to the various versions of the so-called equivalence principle with which Newton initiated his Principia but which also became the starting point of Einstein's general relativity, which supersedes Newtonian physics. The book concludes with a presentation of recently proposed global and local dynamical theories of the origin and nature of mass. Destined to become a much-consulted reference for philosophers and physicists, this book is also written for the nonprofessional general reader interested in the foundations of physics.



Développement durable-Ecologie


Learning GLIM will almost certainly change the way you do statistics. The flexibility and generality of the GLIM language encourage a different approach to statistical analysis, which stresses parameter estimation and model criticism rather than hypothesis testing. The GLIM package can handle most of the models that ecologists are likely to fit to their data, including log-linear models of count data using Poisson errors, logistic regression of proportion data using binomial errors, and a wide variety of models for the analysis of survival data. It also allows an extremely general approach to more familiar procedures such as analysis of variance, multiple regression and the analysis of contingency tables. The book provides a practical approach to learning the rationale and methods of linear modelling, starting from absolute basics and progressing in simple steps to cover the critical analysis of experimental and observational data. Minimal background in mathematics or statistical theory is assumed, and the book is aimed at all ecologists front students to experienced researchers. Statistical modelling in GLIM is introduced through an extensive series of ecological examples, where graphical display, model criticism, model simplification, plots of residuals and tests of assumptions about error specification are explained in full. The reader is encouraged to work through examples while sitting at a computer, and all of the necessary data, along with numerous exercises and fully worked answers, are provided on a disk supplied at the back of the book. GLIM for Ecologists is not a statistical recipe book; it informs and educates on the proper use of statistics in ecology, on experimental design and on how to get the most out of your data. Learning GLIM Will certainly bc worth the effort. It's not a question of finding out how to do the same old tests in yet another new statistics package. On the contrary, it involves mastering a powerful set of tools that were originally developed for professional statisticians, but which are now accessible to ecologists through the simple step-by-step approach adopted in this book. The Methods in Ecology Series The aim of this series is to provide ecologists with concise and authoritative books that will guide them in choosing and applying an appropriate methodology to their problem. New technologies are a feature of the series.



Non classé

Puritan Attitudes towards Recreation in early Seventeenth-Century New England

The interdisciplinary approach of this study tries to bridge a gap in the field of Puritan Studies, the one between the two camps of intellectual and social science historians. Focusing on the attitudes of the early Puritan church members in New England towards sport and recreation in general, the book attemps to show the differences between Puritan theory and New England reality. At no point in their history were the Puritan leaders able to enforce their secular and ecclesiastical laws. Even within the leadership itself a wide spectrum of opinions on recreation existed. The Puritan preachers reacted to this dilemma in their hortatory sermons, the jeremiads, which were employed to shame the younger generations into comformity by inventing the myth of the godly founding fathers. But the Puritan utopia was condemned to failure from the very start : the church members could not resist temptation.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Climbing the Mountain. The Scientific Biography of Julian Schwinger

Julian Schwinger was one of the leading theoretical physicists of the twentieth century. His contributions are as important, and as pervasive, as those of Richard Feymnan, with whom (and with Sin-itiro Tomonaga) he shared the 1965 Nobel Prize for Physics. Yet, while Feynman is universally recognized as a cultural icon, Schwinger is little known even to many within the physics community. This biography aims to describe Schwinger's life and research contributions to a wider audience. As a youth, Julian Schwinger began as a nuclear physicist, turning to classical electrodynamics after World War II. In the years after the war, he was the first to renormalize quantum electrodynamics. Subsequently, he presented the most complete formulation of quantum field theory and laid the foundations for the electroweak synthesis of Glashow, Weinberg, and Salam, and he made fundamental contributions to the theory of nuclear magnetic resonance, to many-body theory, and to quantum optics. He developed a unique approach to quantum mechanics, measurement algebra, and a general quantum action principle. His discoveries include, Feynman's, parameters and 'Glauber's' coherent states; in later years he also developed an alternative to operator field theory, which he called Source Theory, which reflected his profound phenomenological bent. His late work on the Thomas-Fermi model of atoms and on the Casimir effect continues to be an inspiration to a new generation of physicists. This biography describes the many strands of his research life, while tracing the personal life of this private and gentle genius.



Ethnologie et anthropologie

The Wolves Rise Again. New elites born out of chaos

The successive shocks that strike our time have acted as an indicator of men : the bland elites of yesteryear, suddenly rejected by the masses, went back silently into the void where they had first come from. This opportunist plutarchy, that maintained itself so far, thanks to the industry of lying, the targeted elimination of creative people, will soon be engulfed. Around these illusionists with no audience, the hidden alphas will begin to rise. Within a few months, alphas, forged in a new metal, invaded public space. How can it be explained ? In troubled times, the hierarchies of peacetime had left, suddenly, a place to the atomisation of individuals. Chaos then allows the individual alphas to rise to power. Like a pack of wolves, these alphas quickly take the lead of small human groups organising themselves into rival packs. The French Revolution is a striking example of this evolution : the masters of yesterday were relegated because of their unsuitability.




Epilepsy: the invisible pain

They say life is a long stretch of a calm river, but not for everyone ! She was for me until the day when everything rocked, the day my destiny was changed dramatically. People do not realize how life can be so sweet and so beautiful. They complain all day long for trivialities. They are not even aware that they have before their eyes the most beautiful wealth : the luck and happiness of living in good health. I was rich before. Now I am poor because my child has an incurable disease, that has currently no hope of being healed. As a parent, how can we accept that ? , How to continue living carrying the bundle of pain in my head ? , How to overcome this feeling of helplessness ? When I started speaking to my heart, I didn't know myself that this was the beginning of a new life : a rebirth as a poet. When I learnt that my 7-year-old daughter was suffering from the Dravet Syndrome, a rare genetic epileptic encephalopathy, this was like an earthquake in my life. Then, I needed to write in order to express my sorrow and my pain. Words and rhymes came naturally to my mind. This was obvious that poetry would be my survival weapon.



Physique, chimie

Numerical Methods for Wave equation in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. With 93 illustrations

This scholarly text provides an introduction to the numerical methods used to model partial differential equations governing wave-like and weakly dissipative flows. The focus of the book is on fundamental methods and standard fluid dynamical problems such as tracer transport, the shallow-water equations, and the Euler equations. The emphasis is on methods appropriate for applications in atmospheric and oceanic science, but these same methods are also well suited for the simulation of wave-like flows in many other scientific and engineering disciplines. The text discusses finite-difference, spectral, finite-element, and finite-volume methods. Also included are additional chapters on semi-Lagrangian schemes, nonreflecting boundary conditions, and methods for the efficient solution of problems that include physically insignificant rapidly propagating waves. Throughout the book the author has followed a middle course between the theorem-proof formalism of a pure mathematics text and the highly empirical approach found in some engineering publications. Although there are no formal proofs, the essential characteristics of the various schemes are mathematically derived in a style familiar to physical scientists. Numerical examples illustrating the theoretically derived properties of the various methods are presented throughout the book to establish a concrete link between theory and practice. Both theoretical and applied problems are provided at the end of each chapter. Numerical Methods for Wave Equations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics will be useful as a senior undergraduate and graduate text, and as a reference for those teaching or using numerical methods, particularly for those concentrating on fluid dynamics.



Non classé

Grenzpfähle der Wirklichkeit- Approaches to the Poetry of R.S. Thomas

R.S. Thomas is one of the most important contemporary poets in Great Britain. The author of this study uses a twofold approach in order to sketch a portrait of his work. On the one hand, R.S. Thomas's historical and literary Welsh background with its particular problems of language and identity is delineated. On the other hand, groups of poems which focus on specific themes are analyzed extensively, so that the principles of the poet's thoughts and the development of his work from the 40s up to the present become transparent.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

The Undergrowth of Science. Delusion, self-deception and human frailty

Walter Gratzer's themes in the stories he relates in The Undergrowth of Science are collective delusion and human folly. Science is generally seen as a process bound by rigorous rules, which its practitioners must not transgress. Deliberate fraud occasionally intrudes, but it is soon detected, the perpetrators cast out and the course of discovery barely disturbed. Far more interesting are the outbreaks of self-delusion that from time to time afflict upright and competent researchers, and then spread like an epidemic or mass-hysteria through a sober and respectable scientific community. When this happens the rules by which scientists normally govern their working lives are suddenly suspended. Sometimes these episodes are provoked by personal vanity, an unwillingness to acknowledge error or even contemplate the possibility that a hard-won success is a will o' the wisp; at other times they stem from loyalty to a respected and trusted guru, or even from patriotic pride; and, worst of ail, they may be a consequence of a political ideology which imposes its own interpretation on scientists' observations of the natural world. Unreason and credulity supervene, illusory phenomena are described and measured, and theories are developed to explain them - until suddenly, often for no single reason, the bubble bursts, leaving behind it a residue of acrimony, recrimination, embarrassment and ruined reputations. Here, then, are radiations, measured with high precision yet existing only in the minds of those who observed them; the Russian water, which some thought might congeal the oceans: phantom diseases which called for heroic surgery; monkey testis implants that restored the sexual powers of ageing roués and of tired sheep; truths about genetics and about the nature of matter, perceptible only to Aryan scientists in the Third Reich or Marxist ideologues in the Soviet Union; and much more. The Undergrowth of Science explores, in terms accessible to the lay reader, the history of such episodes, up to our own time, in ail their absurdity, tragedy and pathos.




Arguing about justice. Essays for Philippe Van Parijs

"A book of quick and sharp thoughts on a grand theme is a novel way of paying tribute to a leading philosopher. But it has worked beautifully here, both as a stimulating book of ideas on justice, and as a fitting recognition of the intellectual contributions of Philippe Van Parijs, who is one of the most original and most creative thinkers of our time". Amartya Sen, Harvard University, 1998 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences This book brings together fifty of today's finest thinkers. They were asked to let their imaginations run free to advance new ideas on a wide range of social and political issues. They did so as friends, on the occasion of Philippe Van Parijs's sixtieth birthday. Rather than restricting themselves to comments on his numerous writings, the authors engage with the topics on which he has focused his attention over the years, especially with the various dimensions of justice, its scope, and its demands. They discuss issues ranging from the fair distribution of marriage opportunities to the limits of argumentation in a democracy, the deep roots of inequality, the challenges to basic income and the requirements of linguistic justice. They provide ample food for thought for both academic and general readers.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

WHY SEX MATTERS. A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior

Why are men, like other primate usually the aggressors and risk takers? Why do women typically have fewer sexual partners? Why is killing infants routine in some cultures, but forbidden in others? Why is incest everywhere taboo? Bobbi Low ranges from ancient Rome to modern America, from the Amazon to the Arctic, and from single-celled organisms to international politics to show that these and many other questions about human behavior largely come down to evolution and sex. More precisely, as she shows in this uniquely comprehensive and accessible survey of behavioral and evolutionary ecology, they come down to the basic principle that all organisms evolved to maximize their reproductive success and seek resources to do so. Low begins by reviewing the fundamental arguments and assumptions of behavioral ecology: selfish genes, conflicts of interest, and the tendency for sexes to reproduce through different behaviors. She explains why in primate species-from chimpanzees and apes to humans-males seek to spread their genes by devoting extraordinary efforts to finding mates, while females find it profitable to expend more effort on parenting. Low illustrates these sexual differences among humans by showing that in places as diverse as the parishes of nineteenth-century Sweden, the villages of seventeenth-century China, and the forests of twentieth-century Brasil, men have tended to seek power and resources, from cattle to money, to attract mates, while women have sought a secure environment for raising children. She makes it clear, however, they have not done so simply through individual efforts or in a vacuum, but that men and women act in complex ways that involve cooperation and coalition building and that are shaped by culture, technology, tradition, and the availability of resources. Low also considers how file evolutionary drive to acquire resources leads to environmental degradation and warfare and asks whether our behavior could be channeled in more constructive ways. Why Sex Matters is a compelling work of biology, sociology, and anthropology and a penetrating study of the deep motivations that underlie individual and social behavior.





With its simplicity in presentation, this new book makes the difficult concepts of soil mechanics and foundations much easier to understand! The author explains basic concepts and fundamental principles in the context of basic mechanics, physics, and mathematics. From Practical Situations and Essential Points to Practical Examples and Questions to Guide Your Reading the book is packed with helpful hints and pedagogy that make the material crystal clear. This book also includes a CD-ROM that offers readers hands-on learning. The CD contains interactive animations of basic concepts, interactive problem solving, electronic quizzes, interactive computer programs for special topics, virtual labs and much more. With the help of this CD and text, anyone can quickly master the key principles behind soil mechanics and foundations. KEY FEATURES * A What you should be able to do list at the beginning of each chapter alerts readers to what they should learn after studying each chapter. * The author maintains a solid level of technical rigor despite the simplicity in presentation. * A large number of examples are worked out step-by-step to illustrate problem-solving techniques. * The CD-ROM includes The Virtual Soils Laboratory, which allows readers to do sophisticated soil testing at their own convenience.



Littérature française

Sunflower at the eclipse

Like ink to a paper so does a word to the brain On the face it draws its temper and on the back lays its stain Lamentation is a hefty hamper only to those who can't bear the pain When the whim unleashes its thunder there is no time for restrain Then set the quill for plunder and the hand to be morally slain Between the lines lurks the gender what is left is meant to be plain.



Lecture 6-9 ans

L'énigme du sabre. Edition bilingue français-anglais

C'est dimanche et comme souvent Louise et Arthur viennent rendre visite à leur grand-mère. Ils aiment bien y aller, elle joue avec eux et leur raconte plein d'histoires. Mais aujourd'hui, elle n'a pas le temps et les deux cousins s'ennuient. Alors, ils décident de grimper dans le grenier où sont entreposés de vieux souvenirs et objets abandonnés. Ils y ont déjà été, mais maintenant ils sont plus grands et peut-être trouveront-ils un trésor qu'ils n'avaient pas aperçu, lors de la dernière visite. Après un long moment de recherche, dans un coin, Louise découvre une malle poussiéreuse. Les deux cousins, l'ouvrent et entrevoient un sabre avec une inscription. Une trouvaille qui va les mener jusqu'à l'école militaire de Saint Cyr de Coëtquidan, sur les traces de leur grand père. It's a Sunday and often as not, Louise and Arthur go and visit their grandmother. They like to go there, she plays with them and tells them lots of stories. But this Sunday she does not have the time, so the two cousins are bored. They decide to climb up into the attic, where old memorabilia and abandoned objects are stored. They have been there before, but now that they are taller, maybe they will find a treasure they did not see during their last visit. After a long moment of searching, in a corner, Louise discovers a dusty trunk. The two cousins open it and see a sword with an inscription. A discovery that will lead them to the military school at Saint Cyr de Coëtquidan, in the footsteps of their grandfather.




Foundation Course for Advanced Computer Studies

In the modern world, computer systems are playing a greater and greater part in everyday life. From office work, to entertainment, to providing information, the personal computer is quickly becoming a more integral part of the home. However, most PC users have no idea how most of the parts which make up their computer work internally. I am one of those who find that the framework provided by the school curriculum in the United Kingdom is of great assistance in planning lessons and learning plans but the curriculum does not plan out the work for us. We therefore need to invest a lot of time and effort into developing schemes of work that will suit the people we are going to teach. For me, it is a fantastic opportunity to employ our imagination and creativity to make lessons useful and interesting for children of different abilities. It is why I wrote this book. This book is a foundation course for Advanced Computer Studies and designed as a blueprint to teach users with a basic knowledge of computer science. Computer science is a subject that combines the use of technology which is ICT (Information Communication Technology) and the creation of technology. To use ICT (the subject about how to use technology to communicate information) more effectively, we need to know how technology works. Computing or computer science will create a generation of young people able to work at the forefront of technology change. It is the umbrella term for the subject that comprises 3 elements : computer science, information technology and digital literacy. It is helpful to think of these as the foundations, applications and implications of digital technology. The new focus on computer science will provides a well-defined and rigorous academic discipline and a unique lens through which pupils can understand the world. Children must therefore be taught computing if they are to be ready for tomorrow technology challenges. Our ingenuity to invent new means of communicating with each other, our very human compulsion to communicate have driven the technological innovations of the past two centuries however still a lot remain to be done with the arrival of quantum computing. A more rigorous approach to computer science teaching will help compete across the full spectrum of digital industries. This can only be achieved by equipping ourselves with the foundation skills, knowledge and understanding of computing do the necessity to introduce "computational thinking" at school via the new national curriculum (programmes of study and targets), the 2014 national curriculum that introduces computing which will replace ICT.



BD tout public

I am GooGol - The Great Invasion

Their arrival was heralded as a new beginning for the human race. Humans were no longer alone in the cosmos. Instead, they were suddenly thrust into an arena much larger than they were ready to deal with. In an age of technological advancement, Toughware and the wiki implants were the culmination of the first successful blending of human and alien technology. Suddenly, anyone with a wiki implant could ride the data streams. Hackers became celebrities as the neural landscape became the world's playground. And for a special few, a startling side effect was discovered. Fearing the worst, the Lambda Initiative was created to police wiki infractions and to protect the fabled Lambda Time Travel Restrictions. Anyone, human or alien, attempting to bypass the Lambda Protocols was subject to prosecution under this new law. To enforce this law, the G-Men were created. Culled from specialists with military and law enforcement experience, the G-Men sought out Lambda Protocol violators with swift and violent response. With wiki crimes on the rise and a growing anti-alien movement gaining strength, something had to be done. The government needed a solution, but they weren't sure what to do. And then they discovered a teenage girl living in Brazil with a special affinity for traversing and moulding the data stream. They had discovered the first Googol. And the world was about to change.



Scolaire lycée général et tech

English Grammar Revision. A visual approach to understanding grammar, Edition 2019

250 exercices corrigés : s'entraîner ; vérifier ses acquis ; progresser. 30 infographies : réviser l'essentiel ; comprendre en un seul coup d'oeil ; mémoriser facilement. 300 quiz en ligne : s'autoévaluer.



Physique, chimie


FIND EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS TO MACHINE COMPONENT PROBLEMS! While focusing on the fundamentals of component design, this practical text helps readers learn how to solve engineering problems that involve mechanical components. A proven problem-solving methodology guides readers through the process of formulating machine component problems accurately and presenting solutions clearly. In addition, numerous solved examples and end-of-chapter problems help readers master the material. Graphical procedures help readers visualize the solution format, develop added insight about the significance of the results, and determine how the design can be improved. NEW FEATURES OF THE THIRD EDITION * Open-ended design problems have been added to most chapters. These problems are based on making decisions that involve materials, geometry, and operating conditions. * Material selection charts are now included as an aid in choosing appropriate materials for specific applications. * Finite element analysis is covered in several sections to provide an introduction to this useful tool. * Web site addresses are added throughout the text, providing access to additional information on topics ranging from industrial standards to properties of materials. * Innovative, web-based problems are integrated throughout the text, requiring use of the Internet to solve design problems. * The text has been completely updated with new illustrations and photographs. * A CD-ROM, included with the text, contains HiQ Software by National Instruments, three representative sample problems with solutions, and MathCAD and HiQ problems.



Littérature française

Understanding human nature the psychology of personality

"Understanding Human Nature : The Psychology of Personality" is a seminal work by Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Published in 1927, this book presents Adler's theories on personality and human behavior, which laid the foundation for the school of individual psychology. In the book, Adler explores the fundamental aspects of human nature, including the dynamics of personality development, the influence of social factors, and the significance of individual experiences and perceptions. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the subjective experiences of individuals and how they shape their behavior and worldview. One of Adler's key concepts is the "inferiority complex, " which he argues is a driving force behind human behavior. He suggests that individuals strive for superiority to overcome feelings of inferiority, and that these efforts shape their personality and motivations. "Understanding Human Nature" offers insights into various aspects of human psychology, including the formation of personality traits, the role of early childhood experiences, and the impact of societal influences. Adler's holistic approach to understanding human behavior continues to influence psychology and psychotherapy to this day.
