
Dynamical Problems in Mathematical Physics



Non classé

Dynamical Problems in Mathematical Physics

This volume contains the papers on dynamical problems im mathematical physics presented to the 10th Conference on "Methoden und Verfahren der Mathematischen Physik", held on February 21-27, 1982 at the "Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach".



Non classé

Optimization in Mathematical Physics

This volume contains the papers on optimization presented to the 11th conference on "Methods and Techniques of Mathematical Physics", held on December 1-7, 1985 at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.



Non classé

Approximation and Optimization in Mathematical Physics

This volume contains the papers on approximation and optimization in mathematical physics presented to the 10th Conference on "Methoden und Verfahren der Mathematischen Physik", held on February 21-27, 1982 at the "Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach".



Non classé

Methods and Techniques of Mathematical Physics

Selected topical problems of mathematical physics are being dealt with by emphasizing methodical aspects. For this reason also questions regarding mathematical model building are being discussed. The book contains the papers presented at the Conference in Oberwolfach organized by Prof. Dr. B. Brosowski and Prof. Dr. E. Martensen. The contributors are the following renowned mathematicians and physicists : Rainer Kress, Peter Jochum, Miloslav Feistauer, Eberhard Halter, Jürgen Scheurle, R.E. Kleinmann/G.F. Roach, Hermann Sohr, Horst Lange, Erik B. Hansen, Rainer Colgen, Johann Baumeister, Zdenek Vlasek, Ulrich Elsaesser, Zdzislaw Domanski, and R. Rautmann.



Non classé

Mathematical Problems in the Kinetic Theory of Gases

The kinetic theory of gases is a most fruitful field for mathematical research. This is evident from the multiplicity of mathematical methods used, the originality of the questions posed and the large number of hitherto unsolved fundamental problems. For example, the question of existence and uniqueness of solutions of various non-linear kinetic equations is still a wide open one. Simplified model equations and various approximations therefore assume considerable significance for the understanding of problem structure and for the solution of practical problems.



Non classé

Problems of Applied Analysis

This volume contains the papers on problems of applied analysis presented to the 11th conference on "Methods and Techniques of Mathematical Physics", held on December 1-7, 1985 at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.



Histoire internationale

Direct and Inverse Boundary Value Problems

This volume contains papers presented to the 12th conference on "Methods and Techniques of Mathematical Physics" held on November 26 - December 2, 1989 at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.The papers mainly focus at direct and inverse boundary value problems arising in classical scattering theory, fluid mechanics, magnetohydrodynamics, and potential theory and they aim at interchanging mathematical tools and ideas among mathematicians, physicists, and engineers.




Problèmes de mathématiques résolus avec Maple et Mathematica

Maple et Mathematica sont des langages dont l'apprentissage sera facilité par la lecture de cet ouvrage, et ce dès le niveau débutant confirmé. L'assimilation des mots du langage permettra ensuite progressivement la construction de phrases qui à leur tour pourront être associées en un dialogue fructueux avec la machine. Si vous voulez utiliser un système de calcul formel comme un simple formulaire, ce livre n'est pas fait pour vous. Par contre, si vous attendez de lui qu'il soit un prolongement expérimental efficace pour votre activité mathématique, c'est l'outil qu'il vous faut. Chaque langage a sa grammaire, qui lui confère son style. Les dix-sept problèmes traités couvrent un champ assez large pour que tous les aspects fondamentaux de la grammaire soient explorés. De toute évidence, l'objectif sous-jacent est que le lecteur devienne un styliste du calcul formel. A cet égard, ce livre est sans égal. Robert Durand enseigne à l'INSA de Toulouse et donne des khôlles d'informatique en classe de mathématiques spéciales au lycée Bellevue de Toulouse. SOMMAIRE Préface de André Warusfel. Avant-propos. Problème 1 : Etude de fonctions. Problème 2 : pH d'un acide faible. Problème 3 : Similitudes. Problème 4 : Miroir parabolique. Problème 5 : Ressorts. Problème 6 : Vibrations d'une poutre. Problème 7 : Suite de Feigenbaum. Problème 8 : Une capacité en haute fréquence. Problème 9 : Séries de Fourier. Problème 10 : Equation de chaleur. Problème 11 : Phénomène de Gibbs. Problème 12 : Bobines de Helmholtz. Problème 13 : Corde vibrante. Problème 14 : Ecoulement d'un fluide. Problème 15 : Méthode de Jacobi. Problème 16 : Matrices de Hessenberg. Problème 17 : Méthode de Householder. Conclusion. Bibliographie. Index Maple. Index Mathematica. Annexe



Physique, chimie

Neutron Physics

Originally just an offshoot of nuclear physics, neutron physics soon became a branch of physics in its own right. It deals with the movement of neutrons in nuclear reactors and all the nuclear reactions they trigger there, particularly the fission of heavy nuclei which starts a chain reaction to produce energy. Neutron Physics covers the whole range of knowledge of this complex science, discussing the basics of neutron physics and some principles of neutron physics calculations. Because neutron physics is the essential part of reactor physics, it is the main subject taught to students of Nuclear Engineering. This book takes an instructional approach for that purpose. Neutron Physics is also intended for all physicists and engineers involved in development or operational aspects of nuclear power.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Thinking about Physics

Physical scientists are problem solvers. They are comfortable "doing" science: they find problems, solve them, and explain their solutions. Roger Newton believes that his fellow physicists might be too comfortable with their roles as solvers of problems. He argues that physicists should spend more time thinking about physics. If they did, he believes, they would become even more skilled at solving problems and "doing" science. As Newton points out in this thought-provoking book, problem solving is always influenced by the theoretical assumptions of the problem solver. Too often, though, he believes, physicists haven't subjected their assumptions to thorough scrutiny. Newton's goal is to provide a framework within which the fundamental theories of modem physics can be explored, interpreted, and understood. "Surely physics is more than a collection of experimental results, assembled to satisfy the curiosity of appreciative experts," Newton writes. Physics, according to Newton, has moved beyond the describing and naming of curious phenomena, which is the goal of some other branches of science. Physicists have spent a great part of the twentieth century searching for explanations of experimental findings. Newton agrees that experimental facts are vital to the study of physics, but only because they lead to the development of a theory that can explain them. Facts, he argues, should undergird theory. Newton's explanatory sweep is both broad and deep. He covers such topics as quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, field theory, thermodynamics, the role of mathematics in physics, and the concepts of probability and causality. For Newton the fundamental entity in quantum theory is the field, from which physicists can explain the particle-like and wave-like properties that are observed in experiments. He grounds his explanations in the quantum field. Although this is not designed as a standalone textbook, it is essential reading for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, professors, and researchers. This is a clear, concise, up-to-date book about the concepts and theories that underlie the study of contemporary physics. Readers will find that they will become better-informed physicists and, therefore, better thinkers and problem solvers, too.



Non classé

Mathematical Methods of Plasmaphysics

At the Conference in Oberwolfach organized by Prof. R. Kress and Prof. J. Wick questions on mathematical methods of plasmaphysics were being dealt with. This book contains the papers presented at this Conference by the following mathematicians and physicists : Klaus Elsässer, K. Graf Finck von Finckenstein, R.J. Gribben, E.J. Parkes, R. Keil, K. Knorr/M. Mond, S. Kuhn, H. Schamel, G. Spindler, B. Steffen, P. Vachenauer, J. Vogel, H.U. Schmidt/ R. Wegmann, J. Denavit, H. Neunzert/J. Wick, and Sh. Kaniel.




Pas de problème avec les problèmes

Conçu par une enseignante, et en conformité avec les programmes de l'Education nationale, ce nouveau cahier d'activités propose des situations variées pour apprendre à résoudre des problèmes tout en s'amusant. Des exercices progressifs qui nécessitent l'utilisation de tous les types d'opérations. Des rappels et des astuces pour apprendre à mieux appréhender un problème. Des contenus conformes aux attentes des programmes.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Concepts of Mass in Contemporary Physics and Philosophy

The concept of mass is one of the most fundamental notions in physics, comparable in importance only to those of space and time. But in contrast to the latter, which are the subject of innumerable physical and philosophical studies, the concept of mass has been but rarely investigated. Here Max Jammer, a leading philosopher and historian of physics, provides a concise but comprehensive, coherent, and self-contained study of the concept of mass as it is defined, interpreted, and applied in contemporary physics and as it is critically examined in the modern philosophy of science. With its focus on theories proposed after the mid-1950s, the book is the first of its kind, covering the most recent experimental and theoretical investigations into the nature of mass and its role in modern physics, from the realm of elementary particles to the cosmology of galaxies. The book begins with an analysis of the persistent difficulties of defining inertial mass in a noncircular manner and discusses the related question of whether mass is an observational or a theoretical concept. It then studies the notion of mass in special relativity and the delicate problem of whether the relativistic rest mass is the only legitimate notion of mass and whether it is identical with the classical (Newtonian) mass. This is followed by a critical analysis of the different derivations of the famous mass-energy relationship E = mc2 and its conflicting interpretations. Jammer then devotes a chapter to the distinction between inertial and gravitational mass and to the various versions of the so-called equivalence principle with which Newton initiated his Principia but which also became the starting point of Einstein's general relativity, which supersedes Newtonian physics. The book concludes with a presentation of recently proposed global and local dynamical theories of the origin and nature of mass. Destined to become a much-consulted reference for philosophers and physicists, this book is also written for the nonprofessional general reader interested in the foundations of physics.



Non classé

Mathematical Methods in Fluid Mechanics- Mathematische Methoden der Strömungsmechanik

Representation of analytical and numerical methods for the treatment of special fluid mechanical problems. Further, some contributions to the foundations of the Navier-Stokes-equations and some important experimental results. Vorwiegend analytische und numerische Verfahren zur Behandlung von speziellen strömungsmechanischen Problemen, aber auch Beiträge zu Grundlagenfragen der Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen und einige wichtige experimentelle Resultate.



Non classé

Modern Mathematical Methods in Diffraction Theory and its Applications in Engineering

In 1896 A. Sommerfeld published his famous paper "Zur Theorie der Diffraktion" in vol. 47 of the "Mathematische Annalen". His investigations initiated the study of boundary value problems in scattering theory. A long series of research works on general mixed boundary value problems sprang up then. Boundary integral equations together with the Wiener-Hopf method have been generalized and are now a basis for analytical and numerical studies by many mathematicians and engineers working on wave diffraction problems. Commemorating the centenary of Sommerfeld's paper, the aim of this conference is to join the experts and young researchers to present surveys and new results.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

FEARFUL SYMMETRY. The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics

Fearful Symmetry brings the incredible discoveries of contemporary physics within everyone's grasp. A. Zee, a distinguished physicist and skillful expositor, tells the exciting story of how today's theoretical physicists are following Einstein in their search for the beauty and simplicity of Nature. Animated by a sense of reverence and whimsy, the book describes the majestic sweep and accomplishments of twentieth-century physics. In the end, we stand in awe before the grand vision of modern physics-one of the greatest chapters in the intellectual history of humankind. "Fearful Symmetry tells the story of modem physics and contemporary physicists in a most understandable and vivid way. It makes the 'fearful' symmetry simple and accessible, and the burning tigers lively and human. An excellent rendition and an outstanding achievement." -T. D. Lee, Nobel Laureate in Physics "To a layman like myself, totally unversed in modern theoretical physics, Zee's book comes as an illumination. Once having grasped the idea of symmetry as an aesthetic and intellectual principle, I found myself, under his guidance, contemplating aspects, of the design of the universe of which I never had the faintest glimmer." -John Rupert Martin, Marquand Professor of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University "A small gem we can see deeply into with small effort and great pleasure." -Robert Schrieffer, Nobel Laureate in Physics



Physique, chimie


Since physicists introduced supersymmetry in the mid 1970s, there have been great advances in the understanding of supersymmetric quantum field theories and string theories. These advances have had important mathematical consequences as well. The lectures featured in this book treat fundamental concepts necessary for understanding the physics behind these mathematical applications. Freed approaches the topic with the assumption that the basic notions of supersymmetric field theory are unfamiliar to most mathematicians. He presents the material intending to impart a firm grounding in the elementary ideas. The first half of the book offers expository introductions to superalgebras, supermanifolds, classical field theory, free quantum theories, and super Poincaré groups. The second half covers specific models and describes some of their geometric features. The over-all aim is to explain the classical supersymmetric field that are basic for applications in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, thereby providing readers with sufficient background to explore the quantum ideas.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

CONSTRUCTING QUARKS. A Sociological History of Particle Physics

Widely regarded as a classic in its field, Constructing Quarks recounts the history of the post-war development of elementary particle physics. Inviting a reappraisal of the status of scientific knowledge, Andrew Pickering suggests that scientists are not passive observers; and reporters of nature. Rather, they are active producers of the world through a social symbiosis of experimental and theoretical practice. "Constructing Quarks chronicles what many have begun to regard as a major revolution in 20th century science-the discovery of quarks and gauge field theories of strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions. A prodigious piece of scholarship that I can heartily recommend." -Michael Riordan, New Scientist "An admirable history.... Because his account is so detailed and so accurate, and because it makes clear why the physicists did what they did, it is eminently suited to be required reading for all young physicists entering or contemplating entering the practice of elementary-particle physics." -Hugh N. Pendleton, Physics Today "A very detailed description of a remarkable enterprise." -John Polkinghorne, Times Higher Education Supplement



Non classé

Practice and Problems in Language Testing 1

The First International Symposium of the Interuniversitäre Sprachtestgruppe at the Bundessprachenamt, Hürth, brought together a group of experts in language testing from a wide variety of backgrounds. This volume contains selected papers from the meeting and represents a broad range of topics in language testing, from Bernard Spolsky's paper on ethical questions, to Madeline Lutjeharms' contribution dealing with testing in a multilingual context, Nicolas Ferguson's computerized approach to oral assessment, and Günter Trost's and Horst Bickel's research into aptitude testing. The lively and often critical discussions following these and the other papers by Joseph Rohrer, Douglas K. Stevenson, Jan van Weeren, Wieland and Ulrich Raatz, Helmut J. Vollmer and Veronica Smith/Christine Klein-Braley are included, as is the panel discussion among several of the experts present.



Littérature française

Mathematica. Une aventure au coeur de nous-mêmes

Contre les idées reçues qui en font une discipline élitiste, intimidante et abstraite, David Bessis montre que les mathématiques sont humaines et à la portée de tous ; il présente ici une manière sensible et radicalement nouvelle de les aborder. Plus qu'un savoir, les mathématiques sont une pratique et même une activité physique. Il n'existe pas de talent inné et il faut croire les plus grands mathématiciens quand ils disent ne posséder aucun don spécial mais une immense capacité à mobiliser leur curiosité, leur imagination et leur intuition. Par des exemples simples et étonnants, l'auteur relie son expérience mathématique aux grands apprentissages de la vie : observer, parler, marcher ou encore manger avec une cuillère. Comprendre les mathématiques, c'est voir et sentir, c'est parcourir un chemin secret qui ramène à notre plasticité mentale enfantine. Entre le récit initiatique et l'essai subversif, Mathematica est un livre puissant et accessible à tous, philosophique et imagé, sur notre capacité à construire nous-mêmes notre intelligence.


Philosophie des mathématiques

Mathematica. Une aventure au coeur de nous-mêmes

Plus qu'un savoir, les mathématiques sont une pratique et même une activité physique. Il n'existe pas de talent inné et il faut croire les plus grands mathématiciens quand ils disent ne posséder aucun don spécial mais une immense capacité à mobiliser leur curiosité, leur imagination et leur intuition. Par des exemples simples et étonnants, David Bessis relie son expérience mathématique aux grands apprentissages de la vie : observer, parler, marcher ou encore manger avec une cuillère. Comprendre les mathématiques, c'est voir et sentir, c'est parcourir un chemin secret qui ramène à notre plasticité mentale enfantine. Entre le récit initiatique et l'essai subversif, Mathematica est un livre puissant et accessible à tous, philosophique et imagé, sur notre capacité à construire nous-mêmes notre intelligence.




Physico-chimie des matériaux métalliques. Propriétés, traitements

Cet ouvrage développe, à l'intention des élèves ingénieurs métallurgistes, les phénomènes qui conditionnent les propriétés d'usage d'un métal pour faire comprendre les différents aspects du travail métallurgique et donner des pistes pour modifier ces propriétés en fonction du cahier des charges souhaité. Sont d'abord décrites les propriétés intéressantes pour l'emploi du métal et sont expliquées succinctement leurs provenances. Puis sont présentés les différents métaux et leurs constitutions (assemblage de grains, assemblage de phases, arrangement des atomes). L'évolution naturelle plus ou moins rapide du métal vers un état d'équilibre en fonction des conditions extérieures (essentiellement la température) est alors analysée. Sont notamment précisés les défauts qui influent sur cette évolution et les mécanismes qui l'accompagnent : mouvement des atomes (diffusion), mouvement des dislocations, mouvement des précipités (coalescence), transformations de phase. Enfin, en application pratique des différentes notions présentées et compte tenu du grand nombre de paramètres et de la variété des métaux, des pistes de réflexion sont présentées pour guider le métallurgiste dans son action de contrôle et d'évolution du métal.



Non classé

Practice and Problems in English Grammar and Usage

This book aims to bridge the gap between theoretical and didactic grammar by familiarizing students with traditional terminology and notorious problem areas of English grammar - often otherwise ignored or neglected - and presenting them with a range of carefully chosen practice questions including challenging translation exercises for German students. Because it is often not simply ungrammaticality, but a certain un-Englishness, oddness, or awkwardness that marks students' English, this book is also a workbook on usage and style. A grammatical workbook and textbook in one, it has the unique advantage that almost all practice questions can be answered on the basis of information provided within the book and as a result can be used for individual study as well as school and university work. It will greatly help reinforce students' knowledge of grammar and give students the much needed practice and training in not only grammatically correct, but stylistically appropriate and natural English usage.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Theoretical Astrophysics. Volume 1, Astrophysical Processes

Graduate students and researchers in astrophysics and cosmology need a solid understanding of a wide range of physical processes. This clear and authoritative textbook has been designed to help them to develop the necessary toolkit of theory. Assuming only an undergraduate background in physics and no detailed knowledge of astronomy, this book guides the reader step by step through a comprehensive collection of fundamental theoretical topics. The book is modular in design, allowing the reader to pick and chose a selection of chapters, if necessary. It can be used alone, or in conjunction with the forthcoming accompanying two volumes (covering stars and stellar systems, and galaxies and cosmology, respectively). After reviewing the basics of dynamics, electromagnetic theory, and statistical physics, the book carefully develops a solid understanding of all the key concepts such as radiative processes, spectra, fluid mechanics, plasma physics and MHD, dynamics of gravitating systems, general relativity, and nuclear physics. Each topic is developed methodically from undergraduate basic physics. Throughout, the reader's understanding is developed and tested with carefully structured problems and helpful hints. This welcome volume provides graduate students with an indispensable introduction to and reference on all the physical processes they will need to successfully tackle cutting-edge research in astrophysics and cosmology.



Non classé

Problems and Perspectives

The 18 investigations collected in this volume, 4 of which are published for the first time, represent a cross section of the research in German baroque literature by the American scholar, Blake Lee Spahr. Individual issues of "German Baroque Literature" are discussed from a broad perspective, while specific problems are dealt with via a neopositivistic approach which highlights the limitations as well as the possibilities of American research in German literature.




Polygonal Interface Problems

The aim of this volume is to extend some of the classical results of Kondratiev, Maz'ya-Plamenevskii, Grisvard and Dauge, about the singular behaviour of the weak solution of a boundary value problem in a nonsmooth domain to the setting of boundary value problems on a two-dimensional polygonal topological network (roughly speaking it is a network such that each face is a polygon). Some mechanical phenomena were recently described by boundary value problems on such networks : let us quote vibrating folded membranes, composite plates, folded plates, junctions in elastic multi-structures. In view to numerical applications, the singularities, as well as their coefficients (the so-called stress intensity factors) are described explicitly. The obtained decomposition into regular and singular parts also leads to the Fredholm property of the associated operator between appropriate Sobolev spaces.





The geometry of the hyperbolic plane has been an active and fascinating field of mathematical inquiry for most of the past two centuries. This book provides a self-contained introduction to the subject, taking the approach that hyperbolic geometry consists of the study of those quantities invariant under the action of a natural group of transformations. Topics covered include the upper half-space model of the hyperbolic plane, Möbius transformations, the general Möbius group and the subgroup preserving path length in the upper half-space model, arc-length and distance, the Poincaré disc model, convex subsets of the hyperbolic plane, the Gauss-Bonnet formula for the area of a hyperbolic polygon and its applications. The style and level of the book, which assumes few mathematical prerequisites, make it an ideal introduction to this subject and provide the reader with a firm grasp of the concepts and techniques of this beautiful area of mathematics. The Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series (SUMS) is a new series for undergraduates in the mathematical sciences. From core foundational material to final year topics, SUMS books take a fresh and modern approach and are ideal for self-study or for a one- or two-semester course. Each book includes numerous examples, problems and fully-worked solutions.



Non classé

Multicriteria Decision

This volume contains papers presented to the 14th meeting of the German Working Group "Multicriteria Decision" held on September 22-27, 1991 in Riezlern, Austria at the guesthouse of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main. The papers mainly focus at applications in structural optimization problems in engineering and other fields, presentation of software packages and decision systems, and theory of vector optimization and approximation and they aim at interchanging mathematical tools and ideas among mathematicians and engineers.



Primaire parascolaire

Pas de problèmes avec les problèmes

Conçu par une enseignante, et en conformité avec les programmes de l'Education nationale, ce nouveau cahier d'activités propose des situations variées pour apprendre à résoudre des problèmes tout en s'amusant. A travers des situations concrètes issues de la vie quotidienne, et grâce à des exercices à la difficulté progressive, l'enfant apprend à mieux lire un énoncé afin d'y trouver les informations utiles, à faire des inférences, et à utiliser les informations dont il dispose pour trouver rapidement la solution attendue. Parce que l'enfant est trop souvent mis en situation d'affronter des obstacles sans qu'on lui ait véritablement appris à savoir comment les surmonter, ce cahier propose de l'accompagner pas à pas dans ce qui relève d'un apprentissage à part entière des nouveaux programmes : " apprendre à comprendre ".



Physique, chimie

30 problèmes de physique. Problèmes corrigés

Ce livre s'adresse aux étudiants en Master ou préparant les concours de l'enseignement (CAPES, Agrégation). Il inspirera plus généralement tous les passionnés désireux d'exercer leurs neurones. Comment construiriez-vous une bonne balançoire à deux places ? Comment choisiriez-vous la couleur de votre voiture pour l'été prochain ? Comment feriez-vous tenir un stylo en équilibre sur votre doigt ? Que pouvez-vous apprendre en cuisant un œuf dur ? Comment fonctionne un réfrigérateur de brousse du Nigéria ? Partant de l'expérience quotidienne, ce livre fournit une nouvelle méthode pour analyser et comprendre la physique du monde qui nous entoure, à travers 30 problèmes ludiques.
