
The Book That Grew





Prêt de livre en bibliothèque : l'avenir de l'ebook au sein de l'Europe

La question du prêt numérique de livres en France cache une autre interrogation : celle de l'exception au droit d'auteur, qui fut mise en place pour le livre papier. A cette époque, certains auteurs s'étaient opposés, considérant que le risque était trop grand. Aujourd'hui, plus personne ne remettrait en cause ce grand principe, d'autant plus qu'il est rémunérateur pour les auteurs.



Le livre numérique fête ses 50 ans : un anniversaire, tout en histoire

Certains membres du Projet Gutenberg, célèbre plateforme dédiée à la préservation d'ouvrages du domaine public, ont décidé de sortir les bougies. L'ebook célèbre ses 50 années – né en 1971 ! – qu'il n'a effectivement pas l'air d'avoir. Si le grand public l'a découvert avec les premières liseuses, ActuaLitté, en partenariat avec ces passionnés, retrace une histoire de l'ebook. Un dossier exceptionnel.



Pour Noël, offrez-vous une cure d'imaginaire

Voyager à travers des mondes imaginaires, à la rencontre de personnages fantastiques, explorer des univers de magies, ou de science futuriste, croiser des créatures légendaires, voire monstrueuses, prendre part à des cérémonies avec des peuples féériques, ou extraplanétaires… Les littératures de l’imaginaire sont autant de portes ouvertes vers des ailleurs, qui vous tendent les bras. 



Livres, actualités : tout sur Joyce Carol Oates

Née le 16 juin 1938 aux États-Unis, dans l'État de New York, Joyce Carol Oates a publié plus de 70 ouvrages en quelque 50 ans de carrière : ses romans croisent plusieurs univers et influence, et s'inspirent parfois de faits réels comme Blonde, publié en 2000, qui s'appuie sur la vie de Marilyn Monroe.



Livres, actualités : tout sur Toni Morrison

Née Chloe Anthony Wofford le 18 février 1931 à Lorain, dans l'Ohio, au sein d'une famille d'ouvriers, Toni Morrison étudie la littérature américaine, pour laquelle elle se passionne très tôt : elle soutient un mémoire sur le thème du suicide chez William Faulkner et Virginia Woolf à la fin de ses études, avant d'embrasser une carrière dans l'édition.



Courir ou mourir : Le Labyrinthe, la saga de James Dashner

Depuis la publication du premier livre en 2009, la saga Le Labyrinthe (titre original : The Maze Runner), écrite par James Dashner, a marqué une génération d'adolescents et jeunes adultes par son intrigue captivante, ses personnages attachants et sa représentation métaphorique des défis de l'adolescence. Cette saga dystopique a séduit des millions de lecteurs à travers le monde et a inspiré une série de films à succès.




Fantastic Beasts in Antiquity. Looking for the monster, discovering the Human, Textes en français et anglais

Not satisfied with what nature offered, human beings wanted to go beyond reality and invented mysterious and intriguing creatures populating their world. During Antiquity, every culture had its own strange creatures, that mixed the forms of one or more animal, plant and human species in an infinite number of more-or-less fanciful combinations. Griffins, sphinxes, mermaids, centaurs, satyrs, pygmies, werewolves, winged monsters and unspeakable hybrids, fantastic beasts abound in the imagination of many populations throughout Antiquity. Most of them continue to live, sometimes transformed, through fairy tales, literature, movies and videogames. Faced with the abundance and variety of the ancient fantastic bestiary, the questions that come to mind are : Where do fantastic beasts come from ? How do they appear in different cultures ? What is their history, how did they survive until now ? And above all, what are fantastic beasts ? This book will explore these questions through the lens of archaeology, art history, philology and philosophy. The result is a hybrid book, precisely like the fantastic animals that constitute its object, a book which offers different approaches of analysis while being aware that our means are often vain to capture these elusive figures, which ultimately are more like us than they seem. Man, like Oedipus, will often prove to be more monstrous than the Sphinx...



Livres 0-3 ans

We are shapes

This clever board book teaches a dual lesson : as children are introduced to shapes, they are also taught interpersonal development. An adorable cast of characters - square, rectangle, triangle, circle, but also squiggly and lumpy - come together to build a house. Each shape contributes its unique quality, and collectively they achieve something that they could not do alone. Visually inspired by the children's books created by Russian Constructivists, this charming book teaches young readers everywhere that we are far stronger together than alone




Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics. Teachers' understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States

This book describes the nature and development of the "profound understanding of fundamental mathematics" that elementary teachers need to become accomplished mathematics teachers, and suggests why such teaching knowledge is much more common in China than in the United States, despite the fact that Chinese teachers have less formal education than their U.S. counterparts. The studies described in this volume suggest that Chinese teachers begin their teaching careers with a better understanding of elementary mathematics than mat of most U.S. elementary teachers. Their understanding of the mathematics they teach and-equally important-of the ways that elementary mathematics can be presented to students, continues to grow throughout their professional lives. Teaching conditions in the United States, unlike those in China, militate against the development of elementary teachers' mathematical knowledge and its organization for teaching. The concluding chapter of the book suggests changes in teacher preparation, teacher support, and mathematics education research that might allow teachers in the United States to attain profound understanding of fundamental mathematics.



Littérature française

Sons of Fantasy

When we were children, we believed anything was possible... This book is a fantasy novel originally written for children. But, if you are a father or a mother, a teacher or a writer, if you still have some bits of fantasy in your soul... then, this novel is for you too. We all know how geniuses changed the world with their childlike Imagination, and how people use creative thinking to solve problems. This is a story about hope ; "Sons of Fantasy" shares the story of M. Alger, a father grieving for the loss of his dear wife, who left him with two beautiful kids. Norris and Socrates were adjusting to life without Mom... But things got more complicated when one of them was paralyzed because of a severe psychological trauma due to an overdose of fantasy... This family has a very interesting neighbor who lives a few feet away. He has a weird little hobby, reading books in the most unlikely places... He for example travelled to Romania and read "Dracula" by Bram Stoker in the Castelul Bran Castle, because it's said that the main character Dracula lived in it. And then all of a sudden he stopped travelling... He got a month ago a big long hat that belongs to the greatest witch that lived during the middle ages, "Moje Gayla". In fact, after being burned by the church, one of her relatives kept her belongings inside a wooden box... and in the twentieth century one of her grandchildren donated the box to "The Magic Square Museum" in London. Genius bought the hat at a public auction as an art relic to decorate one of his rooms. Could this weird neighbor be the reason of Socrates' psychological trauma ? Or maybe he is the one who will cure him ? And what has the hat to do with all this ?



Gestion du stress

Antistress. The Book

L'anthologie illustrée de l'antistress made by Mon cahier ! + de 50 routines illustrées pas à pas pour se détendre, retrouver de l'énergie, gérer ses émotions, voir la vie du côté " zen " et plus ! Du sport pour se relaxer et débloquer les tensions corporelles ; des recettes pour se réconforter et retrouver de l'énergie ; des massages, des exercices de respiration et psy pour s'apaiser... Cette anthologie regroupe tous les outils antistress pour voir la vie côté zen. Bref, plein plein plein de routines à tester quand le stress pointe le bout de son nez, ou simplement pour vous faire du bien ! Tous les rituels antistress... Pour se chouchouter et s'apaiser : yoga dans le bain, mandalas et haïkus, recettes doudou et réconfort... Pour retrouver de l'énergie : food détox, Pilates recovery, respiration alternée... Pour mieux dormir : yin yoga, atelier d'écriture, alimentation sommeil... Pour gérer ses émotions : Pilates détox émotionnelle, scan corporel, gestes antipanique... Pour débloquer les tensions : yoga du visage, respiration ventrale, automassages... + de 50 routines step by step Comprendre le stress et ses causes, tips zen et psy pour s'apaiser en toute circonstance Des séances de sport illustrées étape par étape Les menus antistress pour se détendre au quotidien




Activation Policies for the Unemployed, the Right to Work and the Duty to Work

Since the 1990s and the 2000s, Western social protection systems have experienced a turn towards activation. This turn consists of the multiplication of measures aimed at bringing those who are unemployed closer to participation in the labour market. These measures often induce a strengthening of the conditions that must be met in order to receive social benefits. It is in this well known context that the authors gathered in this book decided to take a closer look at the relationship between activation policies for the unemployed and the right and the duty to work. If activation measures are likely to increase transitions towards the labour market, we can also make the assumption that they may, particularly when they are marked with the seal of coercion, hinder or dramatically reduce the right to freely chosen work. In such circumstances, the realisation of the "right to work", which is often stated to be the aim of those who promote activation, tends in practice to be reduced to an increasing pressure being exerted on the unemployed. In this case, isn't it actually the duty to work that is particularly reinforced ? After an historical and philosophical perspective on the issue, this assumption is confronted with the developments observed in the United States and in France, and then with the guidelines laid down in international human rights instruments. What follows is a discussion of two alternatives to the dominant activation model : the basic income guarantee and the employment guarantee.


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