
Ghost World




Ghost World

Enid et Rebecca traînent leur ennui dans un monde fantôme. Cyniques, désabusées, fusionnelles, les voilà confrontées à la douloureuse perspective de devenir adultes. Car ce monde habité par des fantômes, c'est bien celui des grandes personnes. Difficile d'y trouver sa place quand on a encore rien fait. Pourtant, il va bien falloir s'y coller.




Secret Mexico City

An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew the city well or who would like to discover its many other facets. The forgotten café where Fidel Castro and Che Guevara used to meet, a tribute to the city's ghosts, a mammoth in the metro, a cave transformed into a shrine, an underground parking lot with mosaics dating from 1930, a Baroque altarpiece made from papier mâché, a village based on the principles of Thomas More's Utopia, secret masterpieces of colonial art in rooms only open around two hours a week, the largest roof garden in Latin America, the photo on which the Oscar statuette is modelled, the first building in the world faced with a material that can trap urban smog, a road surface designed for praying as you walk ...



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From Either Side

C'est à une rencontre imaginaire entre l'univers de Johnny Cash et le swing de Django Reinhardt que nous convie le guitariste-chanteur David Gastine. Epaulé par deux solistes de premier plan, l'harmoniciste Vincent Bucher (coup de coeur de l'Académie Charles Cros 2021) et le guitariste Samy Daussat, David nous embarque, de sa chaude voix de baryton, dans un voyage musical qui nous mène de part et d'autre des deux rives de l'Atlantique. Si l'artiste transcende ses influences au fil de relectures ciselées "Folsom Prison Blues" , "The Tennessee Waltz" , "Walk the Line" ... , l'originalité des propositions et des textures "Here's my Story" , en solo guitare/voix, "You don't say a word" , magnifiquement investi en quartet, ou le surprenant "Ghost Riders in the Sky" ... déroule incontestablement de nouveaux paysages.



Comics Super-héros

Tome 1

Revenu à la vie grâce aux expérimentations scientifiques du docteur Boiffard, un jeune homme victime d'un accident de la route devient Frank Einstein, le super-héros connu sous le nom de Madman. Avec l'aide du savant Gillepsie Flem et de sa petite amie Joséphine "Joe" Lombard, il tente de retrouver la mémoire et de découvrir la vérité sur sa vie passée tout en apprenant à maîtriser ses pouvoirs psychiques quand il n'affronte pas les nombreux truands de Snap City, dont les terrifiants Beatniks des rues ! Issu de l'imagination sans limites et du trait singulier du scénariste-dessinateur Mike Allred (X-Statix, Sliver Surfer), Madman est l'une des institutions du comic book indépendant depuis plus d'une trentaine d'années. Cette intégrale en douze volumes propose la totalité des mini-séries et séries régulières consacrées au héros ainsi que les titres dérivés du "Madmaniverse". L'occasion de découvrir, pour la première fois en français, une oeuvre sans pareille, chaînon manquant entre les piliers du milieu indépendant que sont Charles Burns (Black Hole) ou Daniel Clowes (Ghost World) et les créateurs de l'univers Marvel du Silver Age, Jack Kirby et Steve Ditko.



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900 Years of St Bartholomew's

This important book presents a comprehensive history of St Bartholomew the Great, the oldest parish church in London. In 2023, the Priory Church and Hospital will celebrate the 900th anniversary of their foundation. At the heart of the Smithfield area, with its hospital, pubs, restaurants and market, is a church built when Henry I, son of William the Conqueror, was King of England. Overlooking the fields where kings confronted rebellions, knights jousted and heretics were burnt, St Bartholomew's Priory and Hospital played a central role in the history of medieval London. Partially torn down by order of Henry VIII during the Dissolution of the Monasteries, the Priory was reborn as a parish church. It served the City of London through the tumultuous years of the Reformation and the Civil War and has played host to many of London's most famous residents. William Hogarth was baptized in its font. Charles Wesley preached in its pulpit. Benjamin Franklin served as a printer's apprentice in its former Lady Chapel. John Betjeman lived across the street and memorialized it in his poetry. The history of St Bartholomew's is a tale of miraculous survival and continual renewal. It came out unscathed from the Great Fire of 1666 and the bombs dropped in Zeppelin raids in World War I and during the Blitz in World War II. Its splendid Romanesque core has been added to by each successive generation. This volume - the first comprehensive history of the Church since 1921 - will survey the art, architecture and historical significance of the City of London's oldest parish church in a scholarly, yet accessible tone. Richly illustrated, this book will appeal to those interested in the history of the City of London, in medieval and Victorian church architecture, in funerary monuments, and in the history of the Church of England.


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