

Oriane Calligaro, Clément Fontan

Au sommaire de ce numéro : The EU's strategic approaches in international environmental negotiations / From a Back-up Plan to a Purposeful Research Design. Using Remote Fieldwork in two EU case studies / Everything for the regions, but do the regions really care ? How the Regional Policy impacts regional EU support : a state of the art / Les secrétariats politiques. Des acteurs discrets et discrétionnaires dans le travail politique du Comité des régions / Studying the EU and its Pioneers. The Role of Women as Makers and Shapers of the Early Years of EU Integration / REVOLVE : Studying Revolving Doors and Their Regulation in the EU and Its Member States

Par Oriane Calligaro, Clément Fontan
Chez L'Harmattan



Sciences politiques

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Oriane Calligaro, Clément Fontan

Paru le 23/11/2023

168 pages


20,00 €