"Le Pays des Fourrures" (in English, "The Fur Country") is an adventure novel written by the renowned French author Jules Verne. Published in 1873, it is part of Verne's Voyages Extraordinaires series, which includes many of his famous adventure stories. The novel follows the journey of a group of American and British traders and explorers as they embark on an expedition to the Arctic. Led by the American trader Isaac Hakkabut, the group travels to the icy northern regions in search of valuable furs. Along the way, they encounter the challenges of the harsh Arctic environment, including freezing temperatures, treacherous ice floes, and encounters with indigenous Inuit people. "Le Pays des Fourrures" is known for its vivid descriptions of the Arctic landscape and the exploration of the challenges faced by the characters in their quest for valuable furs. Jules Verne's storytelling combines adventure, exploration, and a touch of scientific curiosity, making it a classic work of adventure literature.
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