"Le Horla" is a psychological horror and science fiction short story written by the French author Guy de Maupassant. This tale, first published in 1887, is one of his most famous works and has left a significant impact on the genre of horror fiction. The story is presented in the form of a diary and follows the narrator as he chronicles his unsettling experiences. He becomes increasingly convinced that an invisible entity known as the "Horla" is haunting him, driving him to madness. The narrative delves into the protagonist's deteriorating mental state as he grapples with the inexplicable and malevolent presence. "Le Horla" is celebrated for its exploration of psychological horror, delving into themes of mental illness, paranoia, and the supernatural. It has been influential in the development of horror fiction and is considered a classic in the genre.
Guy de Maupassant Chez
Les prairies numériques
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