"Le Grand Meaulnes" is a classic French novel written by Alain-Fournier, the pseudonym of Henri-Alban Fournier. This novel, published in 1913, is celebrated for its exploration of youth, love, and the elusive nature of happiness. The story is narrated by François Seurel, a young boy who befriends Augustin Meaulnes, an older and enigmatic new student at their school. Meaulnes soon becomes captivated by Yvonne de Galais, a young woman he meets during an eventful visit to a mysterious estate. The novel follows Meaulnes' quest to find Yvonne and recapture the enchantment of that fleeting encounter. "Le Grand Meaulnes" is known for its poetic and dreamlike quality, and it has been regarded as a key work of French literature. The novel explores themes of lost youth, the search for an ideal, and the complexities of human emotions.
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