"Le Fantôme de l'Opéra" (in English, "The Phantom of the Opera") is a novel written by the French author Gaston Leroux. This Gothic novel, published in 1910, is known for its suspenseful and mysterious storytelling. The story is set in the Paris Opera House, where a series of unexplained and eerie events are attributed to the "Opera Ghost" or "Phantom". The mysterious and disfigured figure, Erik, lives beneath the opera house and is infatuated with Christine Daaé, a talented and beautiful singer. He becomes her tutor, and a complex and haunting love triangle ensues between Christine, Erik, and Raoul, a young nobleman. "Le Fantôme de l'Opéra" combines elements of romance, horror, and suspense, and it explores themes of unrequited love, beauty, and the consequences of obsession. It has been adapted into numerous stage and film productions, most notably Andrew Lloyd Webber's famous musical of the same name.
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